Scheme of Scholarship Examination

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Standard I

1. English - Language ability

Nouns, Verbs, Articles, Adjectives, Singular, Plural, Present tense, Past tense, Rhyming words, Jumbled letters, Genders, General questions (How many, Who, What, Where), Opposites.

2. Mathematics

Numbers 1 – 100, Number names, Number that comes After/Before/Between, Addition and Subtraction of two digit numbers, Measurement – Basic concepts of length, weight, Capacity. Time, Data Handling. Simple patterns of numbers, Comparison of numbers. Place value, Face value.

3. EVS

About me, Others in my world, My needs-Food we eat, Water, Shelter, Clothing, Air. Keeping oneself clean, Safe and Healthy places in the neighbourhood, Plants, Animals, Transport, Communication. The world around me (Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars)

4. General Knowledge

Young ones of animals and birds, Their shelter, Sound of animals, Important personalities of India, Word puzzles.

Standard II

1. English - Language ability

Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Articles, Adjectives, Present tense, Past tense, Singular, Plural Short form, Is Am, Are, Opposites, Synonyms, General questions (How many, Where, When, What), Jumbled words to make sensible sentences.

2. Mathematics

Numbers 1-1000, Place and face value, Comparison of numbers, Addition and Subtraction of three digit numbers. Multiplication of two digit number. Geometrical shape, measurement, time and month, Data Handling, Pattern of numbers, Expanded form and compact form of numbers, money

3. EVS

About me, Others in my world, My needs-Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing, Air. Keeping oneself clean, Safe and Healthy, Places in the neighbourhood, Plants, Animals, Transport, Communication. The world around me(Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars), Time , Space, Direction.

4. General Knowledge

Our Country, Capitals, National days, Important dates, Festivals, Important personalities, People who help us

Standard III

1. English - Language ability

Parts of speech, Degrees of Comparison, Tenses, Homophones, Nouns-Proper, Common, Collective punctuation Genders opposite, Synonyms.

2. Mathematics

Numbers up to lakh, Place values, Addition and subtraction of four digit numbers with carrying, Multiplication and division of two digit numbers, Measurement, Time and Calendar, Fraction, Money.

3. Science

Living and Non- living things, Human Body, Animals- Birds, Insects, Plants in the surroundings, Food we get from plants. Forms of matter - Solids, Liquids and Gases. Properties of water, water as a Resource, Sun as a natural resource, Cleanliness, Health and Hygiene.

4. General Knowledge

Our Country, Our earth continent, Important personalities, Books and authors, Abbreviations, National days, Inventions/Discoveries.

Standard IV

1. English - Language ability

Antonyms, Synonyms, Parts of speech, Tense, Short paragraphs, Comprehension, Passage, Correction of sentences, Transformation, of sentence, Direct and Indirect speech.

2. Mathematics

Numbers up to crores, Place values, Addition and subtraction of five digit numbers, Multiplication and division of three digit numbers, Factors and Multiples, Fractions, Decimals, Money, Measurement of length, Mass, Capacity, Time, Perimeter and Area, Roman Numbers, Data Handling.

3. Science

Human Body- Food we eat, The teeth, the digestive and Excretory systems, Adaptation in Animals and plants, Plants in the surroundings and environment, Air, materials and solutions, Light, Measurement, Push and pull, Friction as a force.

4. General Knowledge

Inventions/Discoveries, Word puzzles, Important personalities, Books and authors, Sports Abbreviations, Our Country, Earth, Solar system.

Standard V

1. English - Language ability

Tenses, Gender, Nouns, Adjective, Conjunction, Proposition, Voice, Direct and Indirect speech, phrasal verbs, Sentence, Subject – verb concord, Antonyms, Synonyms, Test of Comprehension.

2. Mathematics

Numbers up to crores, Place values, Number operations, Fractions and decimals, Factors and Multiples, Metric system, Percentage, Data Handling.

3. Science

Human Body- The circulatory system and the skeletal system, Food and Health, Pollination, Plant reproduction, Solids, Liquids and Gases, Interdependence in living beings- Plants & Animals, Sound and Noise, Work and Energy, Light and Shadows, Simple machines, Cleanliness and Hygiene

4. General Knowledge

Our Country, Political personalities, Place of historical importance, Important dates, Current affairs, Important awards and honours, Sports and games, Books and authors, Abbreviations, Development of technology etc.

Standard VI

1. English - Language ability

Parts of speech, Gender, Number-Singular and plural, Phrases, Kinds of sentences, Subject – verb concord, Tenses, Voice, Direct and indirect speech, Antonyms, Synonyms test of comprehension.

2. Mathematics

Number system – (Integers, Negative numbers, Whole numbers, Natural Numbers), Sets, Fractions, Ratio and proportions, Algebra – Fundamental concepts operations, Geometry – Types of angles and triangles, Perimeter and Area.

3. Physics

Matter, Physical quantities and measurement, Force, Energy, Light, Magnetism.

4. Chemistry

Introduction to Chemistry, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Matter, water, Air and atmosphere.

5. Biology

The leaf, The flower, The cell, Digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Health and Hygiene, Adaptation.

6. General Knowledge

Environment, Our Country, Books and authors, abbreviations, Political personalities, Place of historical importance, Important dates, Sports and games, Current affairs, Awards and honours, Development of technology, Government – State and Central.

Standard VII

1. English - Language ability

Parts of speech, Preposition, Conjunction, Gender, Number-singular and plural, Tenses, Infinitives, Voice, kinds of sentences, Direct and indirect speech, Test of comprehension.

2. Mathematics

Integers, Fractions, Rational numbers, Exponents sets, Ratio and proportions, Percentage, Speed, Distance and Time, Algebraic Expressions, Simple linear equations in one variable, Geometry – Pairs of angles, Properties of triangles, Perimeter and Area, Probability.

3. Physics

Physical quantities and measurement, Force and Pressure : motion, Energy, Light energy, Heat, Sound, Electricity and magnetism.

4. Chemistry

Matter and its composition, Physical and Chemical changes, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Atomic structure, Language of Chemistry, Metals and Non-Metals, Air and Atmosphere.

5. Biology

Plant tissues, Animal tissues, Kingdom classification, Photosynthesis, Respiration in Plants, Excretory system, Nervous system, Health and Hygiene.

6. General Knowledge

Current affairs, Sports and games, Books and authors, Important personalities, Government – State and Central. Development of technology, Important dates, Abbreviations, Solar system, Awards and honors, Nobel prices.

Standard VIII

1. English - Language ability

Noun, Adjective, Tense, Transformation of sentences, Preposition, Conjunction, Number-singular and plural, Phrasal verbs, Voice, Direct and indirect speech, Test of comprehension.

2. Mathematics

Rational numbers, Exponents, Squares and square roots, cubes and cube roots, Sets percentage, Compound interest, direct and inverse variations, Time and work, Algebraic expressions, Factorisation, Geometry – Parallelograms circle, Area of a trapezium, Volume and surface area of solids, Probability

3. Physics

Matter, Physical quantities and measurement, Force and pressure, Energy, Light energy, Heat transfer, Sound, Electricity.

4. Chemistry

Matter, Physical and Chemical changes, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Atomic structure, Language of Chemistry, Chemical reactions, Hydrogen, Water, Carbon and its compounds.

5. Biology

Transport of Food and Minerals in plants, Reproduction in plants and animals, Ecosystems, Endocrine system, Circulatory system, Nervous system, Health and Hygiene. Food Production

6. General Knowledge

Current affairs, Sports and games, books and authors, Important Personalities, Government – State and Central, Development of technology, Important dates, Abbreviations, Solar system, Awards and houours, Nobel prices, News paper and media.